Thursday, August 18, 2016

Volunteer Appreciation Day (Emcee Script)

Sabtu lepas, merupakan pengalaman pertama saya mengacarakan majlis dalam Bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya. Saya punya debaran tu tak payahlah nak cakap. Tahu jelah, jemputan majlis ni kebanyakan orang besar-besar dari sektor koprat, bank dan lain-lain. Yang si datuk datin ni pun ada pulak masa dia orang nak attend majlis ni. Selalu kalau buat skrip emcee, last minute baru saya buat sebab dah biasa. Tapi kali ni... Awal lagi saya dah prepare. Mana taknya, walaupun bahasanya simple, saya ni bukan hebat sangat dalam Bahasa Inggeris, takut perkataan tu tak sopan, takut ayat ni tak manis. Ada kerabat lagi kan. Takut patik dibuatnya. Hari buat script ni bersahabatlah saya dengan IPhone, sebenarnya bersahabat dengan dictionary dalam IPhone ni. Takut punya fasal, perkataan mudah yang saya dah tahu maksudpun saya nak double check dengan dictionary. Yelah, orang bagi tanggungjawab, kenalah buat sehabis baik. Biar semuanya OK. Dah siap buat script tu, siap hantar pada orang yang teror English ni untuk buat proof read dan editing. Lepas tu buat pembetulan. Kemudian, baca lancarkan sebutan siap dengan nada dan slang. Praktis sebut dengan sebutan yang betul. Belajar dekat komputer dan IPhone macam mana nak sebut sesuatu perkataan tu dengan sebutan betul. Tak puas hati, call pulak somebody x-English teacher, latih baca depan dia, minta dia tegur sebutan dan nada saya supaya betul. Entah berapa kali entah saya ulang baca skrip sendiri sampailah hari kejadian. So, kat sini saya paparkan skrip tersebut. Manalah tahu kalau boleh membantu orang lain. Buatlah perubahan supaya ia lebih baik. Mana yang elok, jadikanlah rujukan. SCRIPT VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DAY 13 AUGUST 2016 Emcee: Tinta Emas Mobile: 012-------- Announcement: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we are about to begin our Ceremony. So, please find a seat and make yourself comfortable. Thank you. Emcee’s Script: Assalammualaikum WBT and a very good morning to: YM Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tengku Azlan Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Abu Bakar, President of the Malaysian Association for the Blind, Y.Bhg, Tan Sri Datuk Sri M. Kayveas, President of My PPP, Y.Bhg, Dato’ Shaiful Nizam Abdullah, President of MCIO Society, Y.Bhg, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Veera Ramani, Deputy President of Malaysian Association for the Blind, Yang Berusaha, Mr. K. Sundralingam, Chairman of Volunteer Development Committee, Malaysian Association for theBlind, Yang Berusaha, En. Mohd Safni Hussain, Director of Malaysian Association for the Blind, Yang Berusaha, Mr. Godfrey Ooi, Chairman of organizing committee, of Volunteer Appreciation Day, Council of Malaysian Association for the Blind, Agencies representative, Datuk-datuk, Datin-datin, Honorable guests, Malaysian Association for the Blind’s staff, Appreciated volunteer, Media, Ladies and gentlemen. There are synics out there who will say that true altruism is a myth, that it doesn’t exist and that nobody is capable of doing anything unless they are motivated by their own self-interest in the end. But, even the most embittered synics would be hard-pressed to explain why anyone in there right mind would make the choice to travel to the poorist parts of the world, where hunger, sickness and war ravage the population and death is as commonplace as life, to help care for orphane children. Or why a comfortable middle-class citizen would choose to his or her afternoons teaching neglected teenages how to read in the dirtiest, most gang-ridden part of town. Or why many peoples sacrifice their time, spen their money and use their energy to empower visual impaired person’s life in many aspects. Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes, but they are all the real-life saints and superheroes of this world. Although they don’t ask to be paid for all of their selfless work, they definitely deserve our utmost respect and appreciation, which is exactly what volunteer Appreciation Day is all about. And today, Malaysian Association for the Blind wants to appreciates its volunteer who have rendered services to MAB for the benifit of the blind year by year. (Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen) With out further due, let us welcome Mr. Sundralingam Chairman of the volunteer Development committee to deliver his speech. Please welcome Mr. Sundralingam. Thank you very much Mr. Sundralingam for your inspiring and informative speech. I would now, like to call upon, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Veera Ramani, Deputy President of the Malaysian Association for the Blind, to give her opening speech. Please welcome, Prof. Dato’ Veera Ramani. Thank you Dato’ Dr. Veera Ramani for the opening speech. Now, we would like to invite, Mr. Barnabas Lee Secretary of the Volunteer Development Committee to brief us about Social Welfare biro. Over to you, Mr. Barnabas Lee. Thank you Mr. Barnabas for the briefing. (Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen) Visual impaired person synonames with a nice voice. So, let us hear their nice boice tru these songs, a little Bit Country, A little Bit Rock and Role and Dengar Ini Cerita. Please give a big hand to Mr. Godfrey Ooi, Anna Loo and Mr. KK Goh. Thank you to Mr. Godfrey, Anna Loo and Mr. KK Goh for the wonderful performence. We shell now to call upon the Harmonica Group to play the Piece, If I were A Rich Man. Please come forward, The Harmonica Group. Thank you to Harmonica Group for the performance just now. Likewise, we would like to invite, Line Dancing Group to perform their Oh Carol and Malay Dance. Round of applause to Line Dancing Group. Thank you to Line Dancing Group for the Oh Carol and Malay Dance just now. Now, let us lend our ears and open our hearts to the experience sharing from Dr. Jacqueline Sarlah Emmanuel with her volunteers and clients. Please come forward, Dr. Jacqueline. Thank you to Dr. Jacqueline for the experience sharing and it is hoped that more volunteers would come forward to serve the blind in the near future. (Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen) Now, we have come to the important session, that is, certificates and souvenir presentation to our appreciated volunteers. we would like to invite, YM Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Tengku Azlan Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abu bakar to come forward on the stage companied by Y.Bhg Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ramani and Mr. Sundralingam to present a certificates to our volunteers. Please come forward ... (List of volunteers) Ym Tan Sri, please remain infront for the presentation a memorable souvenir to MAB’s outstanding volunteers. To appreciate outstanding volunteers who have been given services to the blind for a long time, we would like to invite, Mr. Godfrey Ooi to read the citation of the volunteers. Thank you to Mr. Godfrey for the citation. Now, We would like to call upon, En. Mohd Daud Abdul Ghani. He has been serving MAB and the blind for the past 20 years. (Followed by others) Thank you very much to YM Tan Sri, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ramani and Mr. Sundralingam. Now, we have come to the end of the ceremony. I would like to invite all of the volunteers for photography session with our honorable guests on the stage and the others for refreshment in cafeteria MAB. With that, thank you and have a good day.

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